Garry's Mod is a sandbox mod for the Source Engine. This area is surrounded by tall buildings, three of which have apartments that the player can enter and one has a helipad. Unlike normal games there aren't any predefined aims or goals. Players are given tools and are left to entertain themselves. Gaminglight is a roleplay based Garrys Mod (GMod) Community focusing on PoliceRP, MilitaryRP, ImperialRP, and SCP-RP. There are also several buildings that resemble buildings from the World Trade Center pre-9/11. The map features two cities rpdowndown and mini rpbangclaw with built in weather system, There is around 50 or 60 buildings in the map and they are all accessible with minimum interior. This map is a replica of Vacant from Call of Duty Modern Warfare A medium sized map based around an large passenger aircraft for Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). There are 2 other areas in the map with large, flat spaces.

Garrys Mod, often shortened to Gmod, is a 2009 sandbox video game developed by Facepunch Studios, that has been played on the VenturianTale YouTube channel. Across from this area, there is an area filled with warehouses and other industrial-style buildings. So yeah boys, I’m exhausted and barely alive, but I gotta share my summary of my article with you - quantity wise, RP city maps were the most dominant in this article, but quality-wise, Pripyat/Metro took the cake and landed in first/second places.In the corner of the map, there is a Northern Petrol plant surrounded by a body of waste that rapidly damages the player if entered. Overall cool map design(A farmhouse lifted in the air by gravitational anomalies).But hey, the map has everything you need for an HP RP - classes to practice your spells in, a dining hall, a church(?) or something, and plenty of stuff that you nerds will find attractive

Harry Potter fanatics will want to crucify me for placing this map at the 10th spot, people who hate Harry Potter will crucify me as well for even including this map on this article. The maps are pretty diverse when it comes to content, some of them appear to be normal-looking cities, some of them are wastelands, sometimes they’re even underground. They’ll be fit for different sorts of RP’ing, such as CityRP or Post-apocalyptic RP maps and plenty more! Hi once again guys, welcome to my article - I’ll be telling you a lot about awesome RP maps that I have played on MULTIPLE times over the years of playing Garry’s mod.