This module might sometimes work incorrectly and cause your voice to be cut off as well.

If the input level is low, sound may either be distorted or it may ‘feel’ it is not transmitting at all. Application microphone level: Each third-party application usually has a setting for a microphone where you can set the level of input it processes.If the settings for microphones are revoked, you will not be able to use it. Application permissions: Mac has privacy settings where you can control which applications have access to the microphone.This usually doesn’t happen but when it does, several modules might stop working including your Microphone. User account glitch: There is also a possibility that your user account is in an error state or has a glitch.Here, we can try resetting all the settings to default so when you power up your device again, all the default settings are initialized. Corrupt settings: There is also a possibility that temporary settings stored inside your Mac device are either corrupt or incomplete.There are several workarounds which we will use to ensure correct drivers are installed. If your drivers are outdated or they are corrupt in any way, you will not be able to use the microphone to its full capacity or properly. Incomplete drivers: Drivers are the main components in connecting your microphone hardware with your operating system.

Changing the microphone settings might fix the problem. Even if it does, if the setting is low, others will not be able to get your voice. Low input volume: If the input volume of your Mac’s internal microphone is low, the sound might not get transmitted properly.